A throbbing searing or piercing pain that is just on the heel of your foot? It might feel like your heel is walking on a stone or you have a bruising heel pain. You may have Plantar Fasciitis…
A throbbing searing or piercing pain that is just on the heel of your foot? It might feel like your heel is walking on a stone or you have a bruising heel pain. You may have Plantar Fasciitis…

COVID-19 (coronavirus) UPDATE:
We are open but we have have taken extra precautions to protect us and our patients. We also offer virtual visits.

Specialized Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis

We specialize in the treatment of Plantar Fasciitis and Morton’s Neuroma and we offer a wide range of treatment options for plantar fasciitis. Based on your condition our treatment varies all the way from effective stretching treatments (which you can do at home) to more complex treatments like ultrasound guided corticosteroid injections, cutting edge Extracorporeal shockwave treatments, ultrasound guided ablations etc.

We believe that we offer the widest range of non-surgical treatments available for Plantar Fasciitis. We tailor a customized treatment plan based on your medical needs. Thus, we can ensure you the appropriate treatment to cure your Plantar Fasciitis, so you don’t have to suffer any longer.

We prefer and specialize in non-surgical treatments and procedures for Plantar Fasciitis. If necessary, we keep surgery as a last resort.

Good News: The good news is that with the correct conservative treatment, the vast majority cases of plantar fasciitis resolve within a few months.

Bad News: The bad news is that, the longer you delay treatment, the less likely you will improve from conservative treatment.

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All About Plantar Fasciitis

Have you ever felt pain along the inside heel of your foot? Throbbing, searing or piercing pain without tingling or radiation? Find out all about Plantar Fasciitis…

Diagnosis of Plantar Fasciitis

The diagnosis of plantar fasciitis is a clinical one. Further investigations depend on the clinical picture. Don’t forget to exclude Baxter’s Entrapment!

Conservative Treatment

Conservative treatment is usually effective in controlling the pain and reversing the damage in early Plantar Fasciitis. What’s right for you?

Non surgical procedures

After trying conservative treatment, our non-surgical interventions and procedures are very effective. Let’s get you back on track quickly.

Do you have Baxter’s Entrapment?

We also offer diagnosis and treatment of Baxter’s Entrapment. Baxter’s entrapment can appear just like Plantar Fasciitis. In fact, clinically it can be nearly impossible to differentiate them. The only way to tell them apart is by an Ultrasound Guided Diagnostic Injection or MRI. Yet the treatments are completely different. Baxter’s Entrapment can be treated by an ultrasound Guided Ablation procedure.

Meet our Medical Director:


We are committed to listening to you, our patients, evaluating and diagnosing your pain, as well as assessing your function and all aspects of your life affected by pain. We work closely you, as well as your physicians and allied health care providers to develop a complete, multidisciplinary treatment plan that will quickly improve your quality of life and help you return to the person you used to be.

We specialize in the non-surgical treatment of Plantar Fasciitis

Don’t Suffer Any More…

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Let’s Talk!

We’re here to help you with any questions you may have. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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